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DALL·E 2024-12-02 20.17.12 - A realistic depiction of an enormous fire, inspired by the Quranic story of Prophet Ibrahim's (PBUH) miracle, with no objects, people, or text present.jpeg


    Ibrahim, living among idol worshippers, including his own father, questioned the legitimacy of idol worship from a young age. He pondered the natural world, including the sun, moon, and stars, seeking the true Creator. His reflections led him to submit to Allah, declaring belief in the One, True God (Qur’an 6:74-79). Ibrahim confronted his father, Azar, and his people, telling them to abandon idols. Despite their mockery and threats, he remained steadfast, warning them about divine punishment and calling them to worship Allah alone (Qur’an 19:41-48; 21:51-58).

DALL·E 2024-12-04 23.40.59 - A detailed desert village at sunrise, symbolizing the early d


1. Surviving The Fire

     When Ibrahim challenged his people by destroying their idols, they were angry and wanted to punish him. They started a massive fire and threw him into it. However, Allah commanded the fire: “O fire! Be cool and safe for Abraham!” (Qur’an 21:69). This miraculous event demonstrated Allah’s protection of Ibrahim and showed the weakness of the idols worshipped by his people (Qur’an 21:68-70). Prophet Ibrahim’s steadfastness and reliance on Allah are depicts his total submission, which set him apart as a model of patience and faith (Harmaini, Jannah, Salmiyati, & Tahir, 2022).

2. Dialogue with Nimrod

    Ibrahim debated the evil king Nimrod, who claimed to be divine. When Ibrahim argued that Allah brings life and death, Nimrod pretended to be able to do that by releasing a prisoner and killing another. Ibrahim then said: “Allah causes the sun to rise from the east. So make it rise from the west.” (Qur’an 2:258). This statement silenced Nimrod, as it was a challenge he could not meet, showcasing Allah’s supreme control over the universe.

​3. Revival of Birds:

    To strengthen his faith, Ibrahim asked Allah to show him how He gives life to the dead. Allah instructed him to take four birds, cut them into pieces, and place portions of them on different hills. Then, he was commanded to call them, and the birds miraculously came back to life and flew to him (Qur’an 2:260).

This miracle highlighted Allah’s power over life and death and served as a reassurance for Ibrahim.

4. The Birth of a Son in Old Age:

    Despite his and his wife Sarah's old age, Allah granted Ibrahim the miracle of a son, Ishaq (Isaac), after giving him Isma’il (Ishmael) through Hajar. The Quran describes this as a gift of divine mercy: "We ˹later˺ gave him good news of Isaac—a prophet, and one of the righteous. “, and "We blessed him1 and Isaac as well. Some of their descendants did good, while others clearly wronged themselves." (Qur’an 37:112-113).

5. Building of the Ka‘ba:

    Allah guided Ibrahim and his son Isma’il to construct the Ka‘ba, the first house of worship on Earth, in the valley of Mecca. The building of the Ka‘ba itself was an act of divine guidance. Ibrahim’s prayer during this act reflected his submission: "And ˹remember˺ when Abraham raised the foundation of the House with Ishmael, ˹both praying,˺ “Our Lord! Accept ˹this˺ from us. You are indeed the All-Hearing, All-Knowing." (Qur’an 2:127). The Ka‘ba remains a central symbol in Islamic worship. Just like mentioned by Lumbard (2007), “In accordance with Abraham’s act of complete submission, Muslims continue to celebrate this event every year at the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca.“

DALL·E 2024-12-05 23.58.03 - A serene depiction of four distinct desert hilltops, each wit


  • Noah was sent as a messenger to his people, who were deeply immersed in idol worship and disobedience to Allah. He called them to monotheism, urging them to abandon their false gods and turn to Allah for forgiveness and mercy.

  • Despite his tireless efforts, which spanned over 950 years (Surah Al-‘Ankabut 29:14), the majority of his people rejected his message, mocked him, and persisted in their wrongdoing.

  • After Noah’s repeated calls and their persistent rejection, Allah revealed to Noah that no more of his people would believe, except those who already had. He was instructed to build an ark as a means of salvation for himself and the believers (Surah Hud 11:36-37).

  • The building of the ark was itself a miracle, as Noah constructed it in an area far from any water source, leading to more mockery from his people.

DALL·E 2024-12-04 22.59.25 - A serene desert landscape with a small group of ancient people sitting and standing near palm trees and simple tents, under a golden sky. The scene ca.webp


    • When the time came, Allah commanded Noah to take aboard the ark his family, the believers, and pairs of every species of animal (Surah Hud 11:40).

    • The earth erupted with water, and the skies poured rain, creating a massive flood that engulfed everything and destroyed the disbelievers (Surah Al-Qamar 54:11-12).

  • Noah’s Son:

    • One of Noah’s sons, who refused to board the ark, attempted to seek refuge on a mountain, believing it would protect him. Noah pleaded with him, but the son was among the drowned, signifying the inevitability of Allah’s decree (Surah Hud 11:42-43).

    • The flood subsided, and the ark came to rest on Mount Judi. Allah commanded Noah and those with him to disembark and repopulate the earth (Surah Hud 11:44-48).

    • This marked a new chapter for humanity, with Noah and his followers as the righteous successors.

DALL·E 2024-12-04 23.00.28 - A dramatic scene of the Great Flood from the story of Noah, showing a vast expanse of water with powerful waves engulfing everything in its path. The .webp


    Sahih International. (n.d.). The Qur'an (Translated by Sahih International). Retrieved from

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